Le Temple

The Temple

Taddeo Gaddi (attr.), La Purification de la ViergeTaddeo Gadi (attr.), Purification of the Virgin

La composition architecturale s’inspire d’une fresque attribuée à Taddeo Gaddi, un élève de Giotto, peinte entre 1332 et 1338 dans la chapelle Baroncelli de la basilique Santa Croce de Florence. Les frères Limbourg ont pu connaître ce motif grâce à des dessins qui circulaient à travers l’Europe. Le musée du Louvre en conserve un très rare exemple.

The architectural composition is inspired by a fresco attributed to Taddeo Gaddi, a pupil of Giotto, between 1332 and 1338, painted in the Baroncelli chapel of the basilica of Santa Croce in Florence. The Limbourg brothers could have known this motif from drawings that circulated around Europe. The Louvre Museum has a very rare example of one of these.