Pour illustrer la Complainte du lévite exilé, David est représenté agenouillé au seuil d’un oratoire, devant les Tables de la Loi. Il supplie le Seigneur d’accorder la libération des prisonniers dont le visage apparaît derrière les barreaux d’une prison.
To illustrate the Lament of the Exiled Levite, David is shown kneeling at the threshold of an oratory before the Tables of the Law. He begs the Lord to grant freedom to prisoners whose faces appear behind the bars of a prison.
On the neighbouring page, David prays at the entrance to a temple, begging that “Let all those who hate Zion Be put to shame and turned back” (Psalm 43, verse 5). The man talking behind him, are conspiring to cause him harm. The scene takes place in front of a delicate landscape with a castle.